Tuesday, October 20, 2009

DATE 3 - Mr. T Continued - September 15th

Mr. T wanted to see me again. I wanted to see him. The problem was that I had an extremely busy week (dates, school, work, friends). What is a girl to do? We would have a breakfast date at Hell's Kitchen. It was interesting to have a morning date in full work garb. I made sure to make corporate dress attire sexy with a black dress and knee high boots. Capture his attention - check.

Breakfast was really casual and a bit uncomfortable when he explained that he generally doesn't eat breakfast and isn't a morning person. (breakfast might not have been a great idea). This is where things get off path for me. I stopped following one of Patti's rules. I paid. I hope this doesn't backfire on me. If it does feel free to yell, "she told you so!".

He sent me a text after breakfast saying I looked cute. I LOVE verbal affection. It puts the biggest smile on my face to know someone is thinking of me. I'm tallying his positive points- smart, tall, verbally affectionate, etc.

He's bald. Have I mentioned this? He shaves his head every day. I hadn't ever given a second thought about dating a bald guy, but I never have. I have since found that there are advantages to having no hair. It's super easy to give kisses to the top of his head (which is quite fun).

This is also the week that I am meeting a total of five guys. Things are going to get complicated. But what is life without a little complication?

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